Oxnard Tour

Please see the following for the details of the official side trip of IC 2010:

Travel Agent: Lincoln Tours

Tour Name: Oxnard Tour (豪城增暉+奧斯納水都遊船一日遊)

Date: August 23, 2010

Time: 9:00 am - 6:30 pm (please gathering at the Ballroom Foyer of San Gabriel Hilton at 9:00 am)

Price: $81.60 USD per person

Including: Tour bus, breakfast, mineral water, king crab seafood lunch, boat ticket and tips

Bus capacity: 56 people

Note: If the total number of participants exceed 56, we will have to rent a second bus. In that case, however, we need to have at least 50 people on the second bus to meet the minimum charge. So, hurry and reserve your space soon!

Itinerary (Chinese):

The Getty Villa (image from themagazineantiques.com)

早上出發, 迎著清風朝露, 乘車前往馬里布(Malibu)的格蒂別墅(The Getty Villa)參觀。這是億萬富豪保羅•蓋蒂的前私人別墅。 整座別墅的建築風格及庭園的設計都極具歐洲皇家宮廷氣派。熱愛藝術的蓋蒂父子, 成立了慈善信託基金會, 將個人珍藏近四萬多件(如凡高、畢加索、14至19世紀時期及古羅馬時代等近2000年前價值不菲的畫作、雕塑及裝飾藝術品等)捐獻出來, 並將私人別墅改建成愽物館, 供諸世人欣賞, 此風可歌可頌。再沿著海天一色的海濱公路, 驅車前往加州著名的遊艇之都—奧斯納市(Oxnard)。這裡沙灘、崖岸、運河、遊艇和現代化的海濱別墅共同編織成一幅美麗的海港浪漫風情畫。港灣附近海鮮餐館櫛比麟次, 更是老饕不會放過的神聖麥加。享用過為大家精心安排的蟹王海鮮午餐之後, 前往碼頭乘坐電動遊船Duffy, 穿梭遨遊於環繞運河所建成的海港鎮。沿著運河行駛, 景色怡人, 令人有彷如置身於水都—威尼斯之感覺。切記盡情地擁抱和吸收太平洋獨特而清新的氣息! 下船後, 再前往鄰近的酒莊參觀釀酒過程。現今在範杜拉縣(Ventura County)內, 仍有數十家酒廠開放參觀, 並設品嚐室。有興趣的話, 您可自費品嚐當地特產之葡萄佳釀; 這定會令您陶醉得樂而忘返。夕陽西下時分, 載著充實而陶醉的心, 返回酒店休息。Itinerary (English):Oxnard (image from visitoxnard.com)

With light breeze blowing through your hair, we start heading to the The Getty Villa in Malibu in the morning. This was the former private villa of billionaire Paul Getty. The architecture of the villa and garden resembles the royal palaces in Europe. With a tremendous passion in art, Paul Getty and his son set up a charitable trust foundation and donated over four thousand pieces of their personal collections to the villa. Those collections include valuable paintings, sculptures, etc from Van Gogh, Picasso, pieces from the 14th to the 19th century and ancient Roman times nearly 2000 years ago. They transformed a private villa into a museum for people from all over the world to enjoy. A very admirable act by Paul Getty and his son. Traveling on the CA-1 highway along the seaside, we arrive at a famous yacht hub of California - Oxnard. The beaches, cliffs, canals, boats and modern beach house here are wove into a beautiful picture. The many seafood restaurants near the bay are something you do not want to miss. After enjoying a delicious king crab seafood lunch, we head to the pier to board the electric boat Duffy and travel around the town along the canals. The beautiful scenes there will probably make you feel that you are traveling in the City of Canals - Venice. Remember to taste an fresh unique breath of the Pacific Ocean!

As we disembark the boat, we will visit a nearby winery to see the brewing process. In the Ventura County, there are currently dozens of wineries open to the public with a tasting room. If you are interested, you can sample the local grape wine at your own expense; you will for sure remember the experience in years to come.

After a whole day of enjoyable trip, we will return to the hotel as the sun sets.