This is a tentative program of the IC and is constantly being updated. Please check back often to view the most updated program.
Friday, August 20th
11:00 - 5:00 pm:
Golf Outing at Alhambra Golf Course
11:00 - 12:00 pm: Registration
12:00 - 5:00 pm: Tee-off
Venue: San Diego Room, San Gabriel Hilton
5:00 - 8:00 pm: On-site registration and sign-up (receive name tag) at San Gabriel Hilton Hotel
Saturday, August 21st
Venue: Ballroom Foyer & Ballroom C, San Gabriel Hilton
7:30 - 8:00 am: On-site registration and sign-up at San Gabriel Hilton Hotel
8:00 - 8:30 am: Opening Breakfast Meeting - Welcome and Introductions
8:00 am: Opening prayer and blessing by Fr. Alfred Deignan, Superior of Jesuit Community in Hong Kong
8:10 am: Obituary Video
8:15 am: Video History of WYCHK and WYK
8:30 - 9:00 am:
President's welcome remark
Introducing Wah Yan Administrators, retired teachers, Keynote speaker, Student Ambassadors and Dinner Chair
9:00 - 9:45 am: Presentations by Wah Yan Administration
Session 1: Current Reports on the two Wah Yan colleges
George Tam, Principal of WYCHK
"School Report: Wah Yan Hong Kong in Recent Years"
John Tan, Principal of WYK
"School Report: Wah Yan Kowloon in Recent Years"
9:45 - 10:30 am:
Session 2: Visions for the Future
Matthew Chu, Education Psychologist, WYCHK and WYK
"Wahyanites in the Post 90 Era" (90 後的華仁仔)"
Fr. Stephen Chow, Supervisor, WYCHK and WYK
"Wah Yan Education and Jesuit Apostolate"
10:30 - 11:00 am:
Coffee break
Group photo
11:00 - 12:30 pm:
Panel Discussions:
Patrick Lo, Co-founder, chairman and CEO, Netgear, San Jose
Tai-lok Lui, Professor of Sociology, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dominic Cheung, Professor of Comparative Literature, University of Southern California
"What Wah Yan has taught us and what Wah Yan should teach the present students"
Venue: Ballroom B, San Gabriel Hilton
12:30 - 2:30 pm:
Souvenirs presentation
Keynote Address: Philip Lee, Lieut. Governor of Manitoba
"From the Classroom to Government House; Wah Yan Education and Public Service”
Venue: Ballroom A, B & C, San Gabriel Hilton
6:00 - 10:00 pm:
(Formal Attire: Business suit with tie)
Welcoming Remarks
Sunday, August 22nd
Venue: Ballroom Foyer & Ballroom B2, San Gabriel Hilton
8:00 - 8:45 am: Mass
8:45 - 9:15 am: Breakfast
9:15 - 10:45 am:
Session 3: Reports
Report by Fr. Deignan about Wah Yan One Family Foundation
Report by Ivan Pong about the WYK Parents' Association
Report by Michael Au, International Convenor
Reports by
WYHKPSA (Johnny Li)
WYKPSA (Raymond Siu)
Reports by chapters
San Francisco Bay Area (Gordon Leung, Ambrose Leung)
Calgary (Tong Wong)
Edmonton (Michael Lee)
U.S. Eastern (Eddie Cheung)
Australia (Peter Wong)
Vancouver (Anson Fung)
Ontario-WYCHK (Sunny So)
Ontario-WYK (Peter Wong)
Southern California (John Chiu)
Reports by Student Ambassadors
10:45 - 11:00 am: Coffee break
11:00 - 12:00 pm:
Session 4: Meeting on Proposals
Proposals for program support for schools
Scholarship fund
Jesuit retirement support
Student ambassador program
Proposals for strengthening alumni organizations
Proposals for the next International Conference
Venue: Ballroom C, San Gabriel Hilton
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm:
Lunch at San Gabriel Hilton Hotel
Awards presentation
3:30 pm: IC 2010 DVDs distribution at San Diego Room
- Only for guests who registered for the conference
- Use your name tag as a ticket to the DVD
4:00 pm: Assemble at Ballroom Foyer to head to Queen Mary
6:30 - 11:00 pm:
Queen Mary Dinner
(Business Casual: no jacket and no tie)
6:30 - 7:30 pm: Reception
7:30 - 11:00 pm: Dinner
Monday, August 23rd
Venue: Ballroom Foyer, San Gabriel Hilton
9:00 am: Gather at the Ballroom Foyer and board the tour bus
Official Side Trip of IC 2010: Oxnard Tour
6:30 pm: Return to San Gabriel Hilton
Some photos of San Gabriel Hilton (where the majority of the program will take place):
Ballroom Foyer